黄俭 深航国际酒店管理有限公司总经理-玻璃钢制品

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黄俭 深航国际酒店管理有限公司总经理



         MBA, Ballarat Business School, Australia, Ph.D., Hong Kong Polytechnic University. In 2004, he joined Shenzhen Airlines Co., Ltd., responsible for coordinating the strategic development and planning of the hotel sector of Shenzhen Airlines Co., Ltd. He has taught in well-known tourism management colleges for 5 years and has held senior management positions in many high-star hotels such as Shenzhen Intercontinental Hotel, Zhuhai Yindu Hotel and Shenzhen Wuzhou Hotel. He is currently the General Manager of Shenzhen Airlines Hotel Management Co., Ltd. and the General Manager of Shenzhen Shenzhen Airlines International Hotel.

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